Most commercial forecasting systems have a “best fit” feature which identifies the algorithm that can most closely replicate historical values. Other systems analyze demand history and categorize similar patterns into groups so as to assign the most appropriate algorithm for each group. These approaches are essentially applying a discrete set of solutions to data that is infinitely variable.

The future of statistical time series forecasting will be continuous adaptation, in which algorithm parameters are automatically optimized in response to all possible demand inputs. By evaluating demand history and adjusting its parameters accordingly, the SIMPLE forecast algorithm provides a critical milestone in this evolution.

SIMPLE only requires the user to answer one question: should the forecast be conservative, moderate, or aggressive? General guidelines for selecting a forecast strategy are outlined below.


  • Typically produces better accuracy for:

    • Near-term forecasting (0 to 5 months forward)

    • Products with sporadic demand history

    • Later life-cycle products

  • Strategy is to avoid over-forecasting

Moderate (default)

  • Typically produces better accuracy for:

    • Medium-term forecasting (6 to 11 months forward)

    • Products with variable demand history

    • Mature products

  • Strategy is to minimize forecast bias (neither under-forecasting nor over-forecasting)


  • Typically produces better accuracy for:

    • Long-term forecasting (12+ months forward)

    • Products with consistent demand history

    • Earlier life-cycle products

  • Strategy is to avoid under-forecasting